Monday, May 21

Henry's Senior Service Project!

Henry's 12th grade class at Camphill Special School made a path to the creek for the whole school to enjoy. They really worked hard! Henry is a good man with a wheelbarrow.

Henry and his classroom teacher, the energetic Andreas S! Henry used to be shorter than Andreas not long ago...

Proud moms: my friend Carol L and me.

Bell-ringing during one of the celebratory group songs (not Hen's passion obviously!)

Henry and his good friend Sami!

They are so sweet together! He is really going to miss her next year!

"Little" brother Hugh is almost as tall as big brother Henry!

Henry, so glad and proud! Great work sweetie!


Shelley said...

Love. This.

He looks so beautifully radiant with Henry-ness in that last shot...

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Thank you Shel! ♡☼♡