Saturday, June 16

Happy Sad

Oldest son Peter left home today. He's taking a gap year before starting college, and has a job and apartment lined up on the other side of the country, in the Bay Area.We have family there, thank goodness or I think I would be completely beside myself instead of only half beside myself.  It's hard to explain the feeling: perhaps a mixture of happiness, pride, shock and utter desolation.

Last few moments at home!

At the airport, almost gone...sob! Smiling though.

Edward Hopper, Sun in an Empty Room , 1963


Kathryn Maleney said...

The Edward Hopper painting is so right for this. It continues to be how I feel on having taken my daughter off to college last summer and her continuing her life adventure by not coming home this summer but remaining near her school and working up there. I'm so happy for her, and feel at the same time so bereft. Like a sunny empty room indeed.

Best wishes with your son's adventures. It's so great he's doing this. You'll all be fine I am certain of that.

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Thank you for sharing your experience, Speechless! Yes, when I saw that image today I felt it perfectly described the feeling of a beloved child going out into the world, leaving an emptiness in the heart of the parent, yet at the same time, it's a positive step.*sigh* and smile :-)