Monday, May 28

music in unexpected places. I accompanied H's class on a field trip earlier this month to a distant nature center. After several hours of energetic learning we trudged towards the picnic grove to eat lunch. Strains of beautiful music met our astonished ears. One of the bus drivers was using the time he had to wait before the return journey to play his portable electric piano...and he was great! He really sounded professional. His playing changed the whole brown-bag-picnicing-with-hordes-of-screaming-children into a fine alfresco dining experience. Actually, I think the kids were far better behaved than usual because of the music.

Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast,
To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.
I've read, that things inanimate have mov'd,
And, as with living Souls, have been inform'd,
By Magick Numbers and persuasive Sound.

from The Mourning Bride
by William Congreve, 1697

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