Green Zebra
wins the race for first ripe tomato, in my garden at any rate! I was surprised that Green Zebra even beat out the various cherry tomatoes...they are covered with fruit, but unripe. I cut up the small tomato to share with the family and it was gone in seconds. Hard to say if was really all that delicious, or just seemed that way because it was "first in the mouth!" It certainly tasted fresh at any rate! There is a Cherokee Purple nearing ripeness, and I can hardly wait to try it. Squirrels, rabbits and groundhogs...begone!
Just got back from a week away from home to find this little beauty and quite a big handful of my Trionfo Violetta pole beans, all ready to harvest. A nice homecoming treat! When I eventually have more Green Zebras I will try this recipe from La Tartine Gourmande.