Monday, June 30

for a little while visiting relatives in California. I'll blog when I can but probably won't have internet access at the extremely rustic camp we are heading off to. See you soon!

Wednesday, June 25

My art group recently had a day of painting at a beautiful old farm near Frenchtown, New Jersey, courtesy of one of our members whose family's place it is (the talented and generous and well-known poet Cathy Cohen!) While I was perched pondside trying to paint a dinghy moored to a post, two art group members climbed into it and rowed merrily away! Their high spirits were contagious. Renee Daily (in the hat) just had an article written about her stunning murals, and the oarswoman, Alice Dustin, is also enjoying a spate of fame, for her work not as a painter but as an aerialist! I thought it was fitting that these two were the ones in the boat, and it gives me an opportunity to link to their recent press. Congratulations everyone! What a fun day.

Wednesday, June 18

Scottish Band
There is something in me that pricks up its ears with incredulous pleasure at the first nasal skirl of the bagpipe. Then comes the thick velvety booming of the drums...and my heart quickens. I just love it. Why? I don't know. Despite having once lived in Scotland (I attended Edinburgh University) I have no Scottish blood in me at all (that I know of)...but my reaction feels like something ancient and instinctual.

At neighborhood parades you will always find me "camp following" the Scottish bands!

Friday, June 13

expecting a bird, I turn
and see a child fly past-

Monday, June 9

Saw this scene on our way home from my opening in Chelsea on Saturday. We were briefly stuck in traffic (I think there was a Puerto Rico Day parade?) which made Paul mutter but I was secretly happy as I had the chance to roll down my window and take a few shots of this scene before the cop waved us through. I thought it was strangely appropriate that the vendor was holding onto a painting. It is Chelsea after all, and so even the sidewalk junk peddlers have to get into the art market act!

Friday, June 6


These fellows working together in the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris a few weeks ago seemed very relaxed and cheerful. Maybe painting is a pleasant career after all? (I have the pre-show jitters! ;-)

Painters in the park, a lark!

Thursday, June 5

Some of the pastries in the French bakeshops (patisseries) were incredibly whimsical and fun. Regardez les petits cochons!

In related fun, pastry-based news, I am thrilled and honored to be yesterday's Batter Chatter interview by CakeSpy.Com, the popular Seattle-based blog about all things relating to baked goods. Chief Cake Spy Jessie Oleson, intrigued by my paintings of baked goods, conducted an in-depth interview to coincide with the opening reception of my show in Chelsea this weekend. Many thanks Cake Spy! You've definitely made my life a lot sweeter!

CakeSpy image copyright Jessie Oleson

Wednesday, June 4

And let me tell you, French candy is FUN! This is how I felt the whole time I was in France. Incredible food and drink, gorgeous views, the highest quality art, the beautiful language flowing past my ears and last but not least, the companionship of good friends. This photo is of my newest friend, sweet L. Last time I'd seen her we hadn't exchanged many words...because she was an infant in Janet's arms! Now that she's four, we've bonded and enjoyed each other's company. I miss this spunky cute little person chattering away at my side!

Tuesday, June 3

I've gotten some requests to post more pictures from my recent trip to France. Happy to comply! This is the bridge and ruined castle at Grez-sur-Loing, a famous beauty spot beloved of artists for centuries (and beloved of this artist for a day or so!) A friend of mine happens to live in the village and I managed to squeeze in a little painting time here one morning. The swans were curious as to what I was doing and I have to admit that this made me a little nervous. They are picturesque but reputed to be feisty as well! OK, I admit it, I am chicken when it comes to swans!

Hey, in other news, I just want to say Welcome to my good friend Eliza Auth who yesterday kicked off her new blog, Sublime to Ridiculous: an Artist's Life. She is a fine artist and a fine writer and I am thrilled she's joined the blogosphere!