Hi. I'm a painter, a writer and a mother of three teenage sons, one with a severe disability. This is a journal: riotously disorganized, full of art, food, children and everyday domestic events. Unless you are a friend or family member you may not be interested, but you are welcome to look. Artists who are parents may find some common ground here, as well as parents of children with special needs. For art only, see my site: nancybeamiller.blogspot.com
Tuesday, January 6
We don't know why. It is horrible to be unable to help Henry when he gets in these moods. In desperation Peter ran for his violin, and played him a solo through the door. It did seem to reduce the violence of the episode: Henry sat there on the front porch shaking with sobs and keening instead of hurling himself around and screaming. Several things were broken during the height of the frustrated rage, but thankfully no bones!