Monday, April 25

A photo meme I like recently ran a challenge with the theme of "Self Portrait". Oddly enough, just minutes before clicking on to the meme I had finished taking a quick series of family photographs, including this self-portrait. I took the shots very quickly, to be downloaded into Henry's new assistive communication device, his "talker". I think it is called a Dynamo, but we haven't seen it yet because it is still being programmed.

Anyway, despite having this shot right to hand, I got all squeamish and coy and took a whole bunch of arty self-portraits, macros and partials and shadows and mirrors etc etc. But I could not bring myself to post any of them. I finally decided that the quick "talker" shot might be raw and straightforward but it had the most integrity. Unflattering perhaps, but honest. The words of an old old hymn came to mind, "Just as I Am, Without One Plea".

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