Tuesday, August 9

just off Elfreth's Alley. I must own up to being one of those incredibly lax people who, because I live practically on top of famous national historic sites, rarely if ever bother to visit them. Last week I had to go down to my gallery in Old City to drop off some paintings, and H had to come with me (it is the summer of NO CAMP.) To sweeten the errand I rashly promised him we'd stop off at either the Fireman's Museum or else the Philadelphia Art Museum on the way home. But of course, it was a Monday and somewhere en route I realized (with that peculiar sinking sensation you get when you realize you are about to disappoint someone) that both musuems would be shut. Oh dear. Fortunately, the gallery is located right next to a great coffee shop/used bookstore. Lorraine, the gallery's director and one of the kindest people on earth, took us both next door for coffee and treats. One block on the other side is Elfreth's Alley, a historic landmark street that I had never once bothered to walk down before. But H and I went there right after our caffeine and book re-fueling. The alley really is a lovely little place, and gives off an almost eerie feeling of stepping into an otherworld.

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