Friend Friday is here again.
In fact, my friends have been so darn busy this last few weeks that I am probably leaving out somebody very dear to me...I just can't keep up!
Above is a picture of Mineko Yoshida and Dianne Morrow, both dear friends from art school who happen to be showing work in the same exhibit! In fact, by chance their work is exhibited side by side, so here they are, glimpsed in front of their work: how convenient is that?
New Faces 2010
June 2 to June 27, 2010
Artists House Gallery
57 North Second Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 923-8440 Wed - Sun 12-5 PM or by appointment
I also know several other people in the show including Jo-Ann Osnoe, Kathy Hayden and Susan O'Reilly. It's really a beautiful, varied showcase of new talent, well worth a special trip if you are anywhere in the area. And I haven't seen so many red dots in a long time, a beautiful sign of the economic recovery? ;-)

Here are two more friends exhibiting in another group show: Pam McLean-Parker and Sarah Barr. Both talented photographers, they are exhibiting in an alumni show at their alma mater. (As photographers I hope they'll be understanding of my using this arty shot!)
Alumnae Artists: The Reunion Years
June 5-August 26, 2010
Lawrence Gallery
Rosemont College
1400 Montgomery Avenue
Rosemont, PA 19010

Victoria Donohoe (center) a well-known art critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer was also on hand during the reception to receive an award. A Rosemont alumnus from the class of 1950, Ms.Donohoe was honored with several speeches and a presentation. On the left is Rosemont College president Sharon Hirsch lauding Ms. Donohoe's achievements (Lawrence Gallery curator Pat Nugent on the far right.) I really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Ms.Donohoe for the first time. As an art critic, she has reviewed my own work on several occasions, once very favorably and once not so much...LOL! But c'est la vie, she calls them as she sees them (and she has great sartorial flair, something I had heard but never before seen...wow! How I'd love to paint her in that gorgeous red suit!)

Last but not least, here is my friend Marianne Mitchell, with artist Pam Taggart and myself at the opening of a show Marianne curated at Historic Yellow Springs.
Landscape Into Abstraction
Opening Reception: Sunday June 6
Exhibition: June 1-19, Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m
Lincoln Building 1st Floor.
Historic Yellow Springs
Chester Springs, PA 19425 610-827-7414
Marianne Mitchell, curator of this exhibit, presents artwork from artists who derive inspiration from landscape, capturing imagery through emotionally intuitive expression and communicating the essence of “place” with a uniquely personal vision.
I was very pleased to be included in the group of wonderful artists Marianne selected, although I definitely was on the outer edge of the continuum of style. Other friends and aquaintances in the show include Stuart Shils, Bill Scott, Elaine Lisle and Justin Snow.
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