Saturday, April 14

A Belated Friend Friday!

Ay yi yi...things are crazy here with Henry home on long spring break and my end of semester press of work but it just occurred to me that I have so many friends doing such amazing things right now that I absolutely need to do a shout out, however brief! In first name alphabetical order:

Friend Alexandra Tyng has so many irons in the fire this month that I am probably leaving a few out by mistake! But here are two exhibits she is participating in (along with some other friends!)
This group exhibit at the Haynes Gallery runs April 13 thru May 9
I'm thrilled that Alex's portrait of me "Star at the Edge" will be in the show.

Alex and many other friends (pictured) are also in "The Expedition and Beyond" at Principle Gallery opening April 13 

Dale Roberts has a magnificent show of encaustic landscapes at Rosenfeld Gallery this month, April  1-29th. Don't miss it, Philly area friends! Above is his piece "Clear Day."

Eliza Auth is showing paintings this month at the Cosmopolitan Club in Philadelphia

Holly Brigham is in "Homefront Heroes: Women of WWll" at Penn State Lehigh Valley thru April 28th. Above is her piece "'W.A.S.P Bea I. Wolf'  

Jo-Ann Osnoe is in a two person show at Artists' Gallery in Lambertville, PA: April 6-May 6th

Last but not least, my friend Rachel Simon's wonderful book "The Story of Beautiful Girl" has just been chosen by the UK's equivalent of Oprah's Book Club, Richard and Judy, for their spring 2012 book club! This is a huge, and well-deserved, honor.  If you haven't read Rachel's book yet I enthusiastically recommend it!

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