Wednesday, April 9

Poetry Poke

again the artist comes to the studio with unkempt hair ~ parody of Chiyo-ni
April is National Poetry Month here in the U.S. I majored in English at University, with a concentration in poetry but I somehow missed out on studying any asian poetry traditions at all! I later discovered various traditions on my own. Fukuda Chiyo-ni (Kaga no Chiya, 1703-1775) was a buddhist nun, a calligrapher and a painter in addition to being one of the foremost haiku masters of the Edo period in Japan. The poem of hers that I respectfully parodied is this:

again the women
come to the fields
with unkempt hair


Sonya Mann said...

I really like the idea of a respectful parody :) I'm also a fan of your unkempt hair.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Beautiful portrait!

My New Happy said...

I'm glad to have found your blogs - you are a very interesting woman - and you must have lots of energy, dealing with three teenage sons!